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Garfield Elementary: September Parents' Newsletter

Garfield Elementary: September Parents' Newsletter

Message from the Principal

Families, we, at Garfield, care deeply about our students, and we know that taking care of their social and emotional health is critical for their success. We have committed the first 45 minutes of our day (8:15 -9:00) to hold sharing time, social emotional stories and restorative circles. These practices have strong potential for confronting bullying and inappropriate behaviors, as well as improving relationships, creating community and transforming the school environment. It is based on restorative justice, which focuses on repairing the harm done to people and relationships rather than on punishing offenders. 

We, at Garfield, aim to build a strong community. Implementing trauma informed practices and lessons creates an opportunity for connection, inclusion, fairness, equality, wholeness and improved relationships. Creating safe and supportive classrooms is for ALL students. Students get equal time and attention. They learn to trust one another and feel safe. The focus is equality, safety, trust, responsibility, shared facilitation, ownership and building connections. While we aim at addressing the academic needs of our students who struggle to be successful. It is insufficient if we do not first prove them with a safe and supportive community environment.

The success of all of our students depends upon the combination of robust individual supports operating within the context of school and classroom communities that are safe and supportive. Now that we are back in the classroom in person, we have the opportunity to implement safe and supportive (trauma sensitive) classrooms and build upon our students' skills and social emotional health. 

Thank you, 
John Monteleone

Coats for Kids | We are incredibly honored to partner with Coats for Kids – Cleveland as they celebrate their 40th anniversary of gifting warm winter coats for children in Northeastern Ohio. Once again, we will order coats for those families that need for their child(ren). The sizes are as follow: Boys and Girls 2T, 3T, 4, 5/6, 7/8, and 14/16. We can also order Adult sizes of small, medium, large, XL, and XXL. Please reach out to your teacher through Class Dojo or our front office at (440) 830-4140 to place an order for your child. All orders must be submitted by Wednesday, September 21, 2021. 

Connecting for Kids | Parents, regardless of the situation, YOU ARE NOT ALONE. Garfield is a proud partner of Connecting for Kids. Connecting for Kids (CFK) provides education and support to families who have concerns about their child. They serve all families, including those children with and without formal diagnoses. CFK offers educational programs, support groups, a Parent Match Program and numerous resources. All Connecting for Kids programs are free and open to the public. Please access their latest parent newsletter HERE 

Parent Teacher Association (PTA)| We need your support! Can you help? Parents if you are interested in joining our PTA, please reach out to our Assistant Principal, Ms. Shorts, by calling (440) 830-4140 or through email at [email protected]. To those parents that signed up during our Open House, we will be contacting you in the coming weeks. We thank you in advance and ask that you please support us by joining our PTA. 

Help for Your Struggling Student | Parents, interims are available in PowerSchool. If your child is not performing up to expectations it is important for you and your child’s teacher to work together. If your child knows this, he or she will work harder to learn. 

Here are a few tips that will help you with your part: 

Never say “I wasn’t good in school either.” Be careful not to relay your dislike of school to your child. Be positive about the teacher and what your child is learning. With a can-do attitude and relationship between you and the teacher, your child can truly improve. 

Ask your child’s teacher to send home a few blank assignments. At home, have your student try to do the blank assignment without help, then check the answers against the completed problems. Your student can peek if he/she gets stuck. And as a parent, you can see what your child is doing each day. 

Be wise about tutoring. The best tutor is the classroom teacher. The teacher already knows your child’s strengths and weaknesses, and just a few minutes one-on-one with your child can be really beneficial. 

Learn with your child. Here is a link that provides additional resources, contacts and educational tools and tips. Some websites also include information on parent organizations and educational learning sites. 

In the meantime, our teachers will be doing everything they can to help your child. We truly want your son or daughter to succeed! 

Dates to Remember
September 15: Quarter 1 Interim/Distribution 
September 20: NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS/ Staff PD Day 
September 21: Coats for Kids Parent Requests Due 
September 28: Art Club Begins (Select Students) 
October 8: NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS – Staff PD Day 
October 15: End of 1st Grading Period 
October 18: Fall Picture Day 

Posted Wednesday, September 15, 2021