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David Herzer

a photo of David Herzer

David Herzer is a 1963 graduate of Lorain High School, a 1967 graduate of Yale University, and a 1970 graduate of Harvard Law School. During his high school career, David excelled in academics, athletics, and participated in extracurricular activities. Athletically, Dave earned two varsity letters in football and two varsity letters in baseball and was awarded the Danny Award for academics and athletics.

David's extracurricular activities include being a member and then president of the Debate Team (they won the regional championship), and a member of the Acapella Choir, the Choraleers, and the Operetta. David was tied for first in the class academically and was a member of the National Honor Society. Additionally, he was elected president of his class, and voted "Most Likely to Succeed".

David's awards continued while in college and at law school. At Yale, he graduated Magna Cum Laude and was a member of Phi Beta Kappa. David also played three years of football and four years of baseball. He was elected to the Omicron Delta Epsilon (national economics honorary society) and awarded the Marshall Scholarship to study for two years at London School of Economics. He turned down this scholarship to attend law school. The awards continued at Harvard. He published the Harvard Civil Rights Civil Liberties Law Review, and he was a two-year member of the Harvard Volunteer Defenders (assisting indigent defense clients). When he graduated from Yale, he was in the top 25% of the class.

Upon graduation, David Herzer founded the Wickens, Herzer, Panza Law Firm. As its President and CEO until 2012, he built the firm into the largest law firm in Lorain County. He presently serves as counsel to the firm. The firm has grown to 30 lawyers and about 75 employees. David has argued before the United States Supreme Court and on three occasions before the Ohio Supreme Court. In 1978, he was designated by the Lorain Journal as one of Lorain County's "Super Lawyers".

David married the love of his life, Sharon Gerber, in 1966. The Herzers have two children: a son David Jr., and a daughter Marne. They have two grandchildren. The Herzers now spend much of their time on charitable efforts.

David Herzer's Induction Speech