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How do I enroll?
Click here or follow the steps below!
- Hover over 'Find it Fast'
- Click on Enroll in LCS

How do I find my child(ren)’s school’s web page?
Hover over “Schools”
Click on the school’s name

Where do I log in to PowerSchool?
Click here or follow the steps below!
- Click on the Hamburger Menu  ☰ 
- Hover over 'Students & Families'
- Click on 'PowerSchool & Report Cards’
- Click on 'Log into the Parent Portal of PowerSchool'
- Login with your information
*If you do not have a login, email to obtain your child(ren)'s registration keys.

Where do I find open positions in the district?
Click here or follow the steps below!
- Hover over 'Find it Fast'
- Click on 'Work in LCS'
- Click the image that says “Apply” to view our open positions

Where do I find district lunch menus?
Click here or follow the steps below!

- Click on the Hamburger Menu  ☰ 
- Hover over 'Students & Families'
Click on 'Lunch Menus’
Where do I find school phone numbers?
Click here or follow the steps below!
- Click on the Hamburger Menu  ☰ 
- Hover over 'District’
- Click on ‘Contact Us’'

Where do I find the Staff Directory?
- Hover over 'Staff’
- Click on ‘Staff Directory’
Where do I find information on Preschool?
Click here or follow the steps below!
- Click on the Hamburger Menu  ☰ 
- Hover over 'Departments’
- Click on ‘Preschool’

Where do I find Athletic Schedules?
Click here or follow the steps below!
- Hover over 'Find it Fast'
- Click on ‘Athletics & Sports’
- You will be redirected to

Where do I find resources about school safety?
Click here or follow the steps below!
- Look at the rail on the right side
- Click on the heart icon
Where do I find the official district social media accounts?
- Facebook - Lorain City Schools