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About LCS


Young children sitting together on the floor with a look of happiness, smiling


AWARD-WINNING PRESCHOOLS | We're adding more PreK classrooms in each of our ten elementary schools, all of which have earned the highest five-star rating from the Ohio Department of Education

ALL-DAY KINDERGARTEN | The only district in the area offering a free, full-day program

FREE MEALS FOR ALL | Larger portions help students stay more focused and longer

EXPANDED FINE ARTS | We've added theatre and dance at all schools; more painting and ceramics; a new digital arts pathway at the high school; and more choir and instrument exploration district-wide, including piano and ukulele

CHAMPIONSHIP ATHLETICS PROGRAMMING | Focusing on Character, Leadership and Sportsmanship development

EXPANDED ROBOTICS & STEM PROGRAMMING | Engaging, hands-on classroom environments empower students to develop in-demand skills they need to thrive

FULL-TIME COUNSELORS & SOCIAL WORKERS | All students have support as they develop and grow

ACCREDITED EARLY COLLEGE PROGRAM | Students begin earning college credit in 7th grade, graduating with both a diploma and a 2-year associate's degree

YOUNG SCHOLARS PROGRAM | The only school district in Lorain County with this rigorous college preparatory program, which provides generous scholarships to The Ohio State University for eligible students

14 CAREER-TECHNICAL EDUCATION PROGRAMS | Students earn valuable work credentials and certifications right on the campus of our state-of-the-art high school

ABUNDANT STUDENT ACTIVITIES | Students bond, grow, and develop their unique talents and life-long memories

INTERCULTURAL SUPPORTS | We are proud to support families who call the "International City" of Lorain Home, Hogar, Casa, Dom, or Trang Ch

WRAPAROUND SUPPORTS | We connect students and families to a variety of social supports, including food, clothing, counseling, and legal aid, including a QuickMed Clinic in our schools with a free shuttle to appointments during the school day

LORAIN HIGH SUCCESS ACADEMY | Provides alternative options to build and maintain the crucial connections students need to help maintain a sense of belonging

COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIPS | More than 500 partners connect our students to mentors, after-school programming, career experiences, and a world of opportunities locally and across the globe

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