Consult with building administrators, counselor, social worker, or SPED supervisor
Daily job or responsibility
Daily, individualized schedule
Establish and teach classroom rules/expectations - revisit as behaviors arise.
Flexible learning environment
Individual/Private conference with student
Nonverbal Reminders
Offer Student Choice
Praise positive behavior (PBIS referral)
Parent/Guardian contacted
Parent/Principal conference
Positively welcome students back to class
Redirect student
Reflection session with the teacher
Remind, reinforce and reteach expected behaviors, classroom expectations, and PBIS expectations daily
Refer for behavior or social-emotional support
Student Break
Teach the smallest skills (how to turn in work, ask to go to the restroom)
Think sheet Warnings
After school peer mediation, focused on actions
Community services in lieu of OSS
Contact parent for any Level II offenses/actions
Lunch detention
Natural Consequences (student who vandalizes property stays after school to work with a custodian to repair or clean property, instead of OSS)
Purposeful ISA
Referral of student to behavior team
Refer student for social-emotional support
Regulate student and return to class
School suspension and/or expulsion
The administrator communicates with the teacher the outcome or plan. This response is the administrator’s choice and should be adhered to by the classroom staff.
Utilize a school based agency or mediation program for conflicts between students as appropriate