Students and Parents Rights
Students and Parents Rights
Students and Parents Rights
The Board recognizes that no student may be deprived of the basic right to equal access to the educational program, and his/her constitutional right to due process and free expression and association as appropriate for the school environment.
Along with the rights afforded to each student, there are certain responsibilities, which include respect for the rights of others, obedience to properly constituted school authority, and compliance with the guidelines and rules of the district.
The Board realizes that as students differ in age and maturity, they differ in ability to handle both the rights of citizens and the concomitant responsibilities. The exercise of each right shall be granted, therefore, with due regard for the degree of responsibility possessed by the student and the student's need for the continuing guidance and control of those responsible for his/her education.
Since a student who has reached the age of majority possesses the full rights of an adult, s/he may authorize those school matters previously handled by his/her parents, but s/he also assumes the responsibility for his/her performance in school, attendance, and compliance with school rules.
Parents also have rights in the school system to know about their student's educational experience. Specific rights are listed in topic areas of these policies.
In addition, parents have the right to inspect any instructional materials used as part of the educational curriculum for their student. Instructional materials means instructional content, regardless of format, that is provided to the student, including printed or representational materials, audio-visual materials, and materials available in electronic or digital formats (such as materials accessible through the Internet). Instructional material does not include academic tests or academic assessments.
The Board of Education acknowledges that conduct is closely related to learning - an effective instructional program requires an orderly school environment and the effectiveness of the educational program is, in part, reflected in the behavior of students.
The Board believes that the best discipline is self-imposed and that students should learn to assume responsibility for their own behavior and the consequences of their actions. The Board has zero tolerance of violent, disruptive or inappropriate behavior by its students.
The Board shall require each student of this district to adhere to the Student Code of Conduct/Student Discipline Code within this handbook adopted by the Board and to submit to such disciplinary measures as are appropriately assigned for infraction of those rules. Such rules shall require that students:
Conform to reasonable standards of socially acceptable behavior;
Respect the person and property of others;
Preserve the degree of order necessary to the educational program in which they are engaged;
Respect the rights of others;
Obey constituted authority and respond to those who hold that authority.
The Student Code of Conduct/Student Discipline Code designates sanctions for the infractions of rules, excluding corporal punishment, which shall:
Relate in kind and degree to the infraction;
Help the student learn to take responsibility for his/her actions;
Be directed, where possible, to reduce the effects of any harm which may have been caused by the student's misconduct.
Students may be prohibited by authorized school personnel from participating in all or part of co-curricular and/or extra-curricular activities without further notice, hearing, or appeal rights. A student who has been disorderly on a school bus may be suspended from transportation services consistent with Board policy and the Student Code of Conduct/Student Discipline Code.
The Superintendent shall publish to all students and their parents the rules of this District regarding student conduct and the sanctions which may be imposed for breach of those rules.