Student Discipline
Students Discipline
The Superintendent, principals, and other administrators shall have the authority to assign discipline to students, subject to the Student Code of Conduct/Student Discipline Code and, where required by law, to the student's due process right to notice, hearing, and appeal.
Teachers, school bus drivers, and other employees of this Board having authority over students may take such action as may be necessary to control the disorderly conduct of students in all situations and in all places where such students are within the jurisdiction of this Board and when such conduct interferes with the educational program of the schools or threatens the health and safety of others.
Discipline on Board vehicles shall be the responsibility of the driver on regular bus runs. When Board vehicles are used for field trips and other Board activities, the teacher, coach, advisor, or other Board employee shall be responsible for student discipline. If a student becomes a serious discipline problem on a vehicle, the Superintendent and/or his/her designee may suspend the transportation privileges of the student providing such suspension conforms with due process. The procedures for suspension are set forth in the Student Code of Conduct/Student Discipline Code and Board Policy 5611 - Due Process Rights.
No student is to be detained after the close of the regular school day unless the student's parent has been contacted and informed that the student will be detained. If a parent cannot be contacted, the student should be detained on another day.