Student Behavior Managed Process
Student Behavior Managed Process
Student Behavior Managed Process
When a student displays an unexpected behavior:
The teacher determines if the behavior is minor (teacher-managed) or major/chronic minor (office-managed) behavior.
For minor behavior, the teacher provides teaching/conference/warning with student and/or parent contact as needed. Major behaviors and chronic minor behaviors with documentation and referrals are completed in our revised referral system in Google.
Students may NOT be sent to the office. If a referral is entered in our referral system, call the office, and an administrator or safety officer will come to the classroom.
If the actions giving rise to expulsion for any of the misconduct described above are committed by a student who is sixteen years of age or older and the student is convicted or adjudicated a delinquent child for a violation listed in ORC 3313.662(A) based upon such actions, the student may be permanently excluded from the District. The procedures for permanent exclusion are set forth in this handbook.
The superintendent may initiate expulsion proceedings for any student who has committed an act warranting expulsion under the District's policy on expulsion even if the student has withdrawn from school, for any reason, after occurrence of the incident that gives rise to the expulsion hearing but prior to the expulsion hearing or decision. If, following the hearing, the student would have been expelled had the student still been enrolled in school, the expulsion shall be imposed for the same length of time as would be imposed on a student who has not withdrawn from school.
Students may be subject to discipline for violation of the Student Code of Conduct/Student Discipline Code even if that conduct occurs on property not owned or controlled by the Board but where such conduct is connected to activities or incidents that have occurred on property owned or controlled by the Board, or conduct that, regardless of where it occurs, is directed at a District official or employee, or the property of such official or employee (Removal, Suspension, Expulsion, and Permanent Exclusion of Students).