Prohibition from Extra-Curricular Activities
Prohibition from Extra-Curricular Activities
Participation in extra-curricular activities, including interscholastic sports, is a privilege and not a right. Therefore, the Board of Education authorizes the Superintendent, principals, and assistant principals and other authorized personnel employed by the District to supervise or coach a student activity program, to prohibit a student from participating in any particular or all extra-curricular activities of the District for offenses or violations of the Student Code of Conduct/Student Discipline Code for a period not to exceed the remainder of the school year in which the offense or violation of the Student Code of Conduct/Student Discipline Code took place.
In addition, student athletes are further subject to the Athletic Code of Conduct and may be prohibited from participating in all or part of any interscholastic sport for violations therein.
Students prohibited from participation in all or part of any extra-curricular activity are not entitled to further notice, hearing, or appeal rights.