Interrogation of Students
Interrogation of Students
Interrogation of Students
The Board of Education is committed to protecting students from harm that may or may not be directly associated with the school environment but also recognizes its responsibility to cooperate with law enforcement and public children's services agencies.
When law enforcement or other authorities arrive at the school and wish to interview a student or investigate an alleged violation of law, they must contact the building administrator indicating the nature of their investigation and their desire to question a student or students. In order to avoid disruption of the learning environment and the student's class schedule, such interviews should take place during a student's study hall period or outside of instructional learning, if at all possible.
Investigation of Child Abuse/Neglect by a Public Children's Services Agency or Law Enforcement Agency
Every Board official and employee who, in connection with his/her position, knows or suspects child abuse or neglect must immediately report that knowledge or suspicion to a public children's services or law enforcement agency in accordance with Board Policy 8462.
At the request of the building administrator, an official of a public children's services agency or law enforcement agency may interview a student on school property during school hours in order to investigate a claim of child abuse/neglect involving such student or a member of the student's family. If neither the student nor a member of his/her family is the subject of the child abuse/neglect investigation, such agency should contact the student during non-school hours and investigate the matter off school property, if at all possible, unless the alleged child abuse took place on school property and/or involves an emergency situation.
If the student (or a member of his/her family) is the subject of a child abuse/neglect investigation, or the student is being interviewed regarding alleged child abuse that took place on school property or involves an emergency, the building administrator shall attempt to contact the parent prior to questioning, and s/he will remain in the room during questioning unless compelling reasons for exclusion are provided by the agency.
If an agency investigating child abuse/neglect indicates that the parent is believed to be the perpetrator, the building administrator will not contact either parent prior to the interview. The building administrator will remain in the room during questioning unless compelling reasons for exclusion are provided by the agency.
Investigations of Violations of Law by Law Enforcement Agencies
Such agencies should contact a student during non-school hours and investigate alleged violations of the law off school property if at all possible. An investigation can take place immediately on school property during school hours at the request of the building administrator if the alleged violation of law took place on school property or in emergency situations.
Before the student(s) is/are questioned as a witness to or suspect in an alleged violation of law, the building administrator shall attempt to contact the parent prior to questioning and shall remain in the room during the questioning unless compelling reasons for exclusion are provided by the agency.
In those circumstances when an interrogation may expose a student to criminal charges, the building principal should also verify that the student(s) has been informed of his/her right to refuse to answer questions, to be informed that anything s/he says may be used against him/her in court, and to consult with and be advised by legal counsel.
Notification and Release of Records
Attempts to notify the parents regarding investigations of child abuse/neglect and other law enforcement investigations should be documented diligently.
When an authorized law enforcement officer or public children's services agency removes a student, the building administrator shall notify the parent and the Superintendent and or designee.
No school official may release personally identifiable student information in education records to the police or public children's services agency without prior written permission of the parent, a lawfully-issued subpoena, or a court order. (See Board Policy 8330).