Care of School Property
Care of School Property
Care of School Property
The Board of Education believes that the schools should help students learn to respect property and develop feelings of pride in community institutions.
The Board charges each student with responsibility for the proper care of school property and the school supplies and equipment entrusted to his/her use.
Students who cause damage to school property shall be subject to disciplinary measures, and their parents shall be financially liable for such damage to the extent of the law, except that students eighteen (18) years of age or older shall also be liable for damage they cause.
The Board authorizes the imposition of fines for the loss, damage or destruction of school equipment, apparatus, musical instruments, library material, textbooks, and for damage to school buildings and reserves the right, to the extent permitted by law, to withhold a report card or credits from any student whose payment of such fine is in arrears.
The Board may report to the appropriate juvenile authorities any student whose damage of school property has been serious or chronic in nature.
A reward may be offered by the Board for the apprehension of any person who vandalizes school property.