Assignment Within District
Assignment Within District
The Board of Education directs that the assignment of students to schools within this District be consistent with the best interests of students and the best use of the resources of this District.
The Board shall determine periodically the school attendance areas of the District and shall expect the students within each area to attend the school so designated.
The Superintendent shall periodically review existing attendance areas and recommend to the Board such changes as may be justified by:
Considerations of safe student transportation and travel;
Convenience of access to schools;
Financial and administrative efficiency;
The effectiveness of the instructional program;
A wholesome and educationally sound balance of student populations.
No assignment to schools or attendance schedules shall discriminate against students on the basis of gender, race, religion, disability, or national origin.
The Superintendent may assign a student to a school other than that designated by the attendance area when such exception is justified by circumstances and is in the best interest of the student.
Every effort shall be made to continue a student in the elementary school to which s/he is initially assigned.
Wherever possible and advisable in the interests of the students, siblings shall be assigned to the same building.
The Superintendent shall assign incoming transfer students to such schools, grades, and classes as may afford each student the greatest likelihood of realizing fullest educational potential.
The principal shall assign students in his/her school to appropriate grades, classes, or groups. This action shall be based on consideration of the needs of the student as well as the administration of the school.