The Lorain City Schools System of Care provides a comprehensive spectrum of effective services and supports for children, youth, and young adults with or at risk for mental health or other challenges and their families that is organized into a coordinated network of care, builds meaningful partnerships with families and youth, and is culturally and linguistically responsive in order to help them to thrive at home, in school, in the community, and throughout life. A system of care incorporates mental health promotion, prevention, early identification, and early intervention in addition to treatment to address the needs of all children, youth, and young adults.
The Lorain City Schools System of Care is:
Family and Youth Driven
Family and youth driven, with families and young people supported in determining the types of treatment and supports provided (with increasing youth/young adult self-determination based on age and development), and their involvement in decision-making roles in system-level policies, procedures, and priorities.
Community Based
Community based, with services and supports provided in home, school, primary care, and community settings to the greatest possible extent, and with responsibility for system management and accountability resting within a supportive, adaptive infrastructure of structures, processes, and relationships at the community or regional level.
Culturally and Linguistically Competent
Culturally and linguistically responsive, with agencies, services, and supports adapted to the cultural, racial, ethnic, and linguistic diversity of the young people and families they serve to provide care that meets individual needs, including those shaped by culture and language, and to ensure access, quality, and effectiveness of services.