WE BELIEVE STRATEGIC PLAN | 2021/2022 Progress Update

In action or ongoing
In development or planning phase
Prior steps need completed first



Design a sustainable plan to recruit and retain staff with diverse ethnic and racial backgrounds to reflect our community’s demographic

Complete and in action now.  
We have overhauled our recruitment efforts and we are implementing now.


Design and execute a district-wide process to recognize staff for exemplary performance

Not started yet.


Design and execute a protocol for forming teams to include: 
  • Identifying competencies needed of team members 
  • An application and/or interview process for Equity, OIP, MTSS, and Curriculum team members based on the competencies 
  • Select members for teams that closely reflect our community’s demographic
  • Establish clear purpose of the objectives of the team 
  • Reference and utilize research-based practices such as team start-up guide from the National Implementation Research Network (NIRN) and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), and the Ohio Improvement Process 2.0.

All team formation has a selection process that emphasizes skills required for team members and demographic diversity including race, gender, years of service, and role.


Identify and create a succession plan to provide for continuity through transitions. Ensure plan is detailed to the extent that it can be followed by making it a living document on the website with access by all staff.

Not started yet.


Create a learning module around norms of collaboration and ways of teaming that applies to Equity, OIP, MTSS, and Curriculum.

We use the 7 Norms of Collaboration at all district meetings and also include "person first" language as an additional norm.


Integrate diverse sets of values that promote open mindedness and acceptance as part of all professional learning.

In progress.  
In partnership with LEA we are beginning professional learning with wellness activities that are staff-directed.


Promote awareness and competency of healthy culture components that impact Equity, OIP, MTSS, and Curriculum through professional development opportunities such as; a shared book study, guest lectures, multimedia presentations, and dialogue/discussion.

In progress.  
We have completed the book study "The Culture Code," we are currently studying "White Fragility," and will be studying "What Happened to You," this summer. 


Learn about the history of our country and Lorain City as it pertains to: 
  • Ethnic settleme
  • History of Marginalization
  • Recruitment and housing assignments by industry
  • Redlining
  • Policing
  • Economy
  • Education

Complete and on-going.  
We have partnered with the Lorain Historical Society with our DLT, our new hires, and any interested teacher for Teach Lorain.  
We also introduced and are studying the history of marginalization in education with our BLTs and all staff beginning in March.


Design professional learning by modeling the principles of Universal Design for Learning - multiple means of engagement, representation, and action & expression.

In progress.  
Our CASS team is currently leading collective learning with our curriculum team about universally designing learning.


Develop a protocol to differentiate meaningful professional development based on need for all staff.

In progress.  
We have begun developing our protocol for staff professional learning that will take place beginning this summer.


Develop a train-the-trainer coaching process so that all staff can benefit from coaching in the areas of healthy culture, equity, OIP, MTSS, and Curriculum.

Complete and on-going.  
Our protocol is as follows: form an initial study team; expand the team to engage in collective learning and capacity building; the expanded team leads professional learning and implementation through coaching.


Develop and administer a culture survey to identify barriers for healthy culture from all staff and students.

In progress.  
We currently have a first draft that needs to be revised and utilized in May.


Conduct a root cause analysis to:
  • Identify cultural barrie
  • Determine which barriers have the greatest impa
  • Revise action steps to address barriers

Not started yet.


Develop building focus groups to process survey data and root cause analyses to create actions to address the cultural barriers that apply to Equity, OIP, MTSS, and Curriculum.

Not started yet.


Analyze student survey data to understand student and family perspectives of healthy culture.

Not started yet.


Use the Culture Survey Results to progress monitor the health of the district culture

Not started yet.


Survey the community to understand their experiences within the school district.

Not started yet.


Develop expecatations and a protocol for clear and consistent two-way communication.
In progress.  
All DLT and principal meetings include a dedicated communication item where we determine what needs communicated, to whom, how, and when.  Building to district and staff to district communication is currently formalized through surveys and lunch meetings.


Develop a data calendar that identifies the data sources for both plan implementation and the impact of the plan.

In progress.  
This will be targeted for completion in May/June


Develop a responsive learning environment based on the growth mindset.
In progress.  
All staff have now been exposed to the learning module "Deficity to Asset-based Thinking" and some of our schools have begun identity-development learning.



Understand how all programs can perpetuate inequities.

Complete and on-going.  
All staff learned the history of marginalization in education, engaged in drawing the current educational model in their respective schools, and determined which programs and processes are proactive and reactive.  


Understand how the structure, practices and actions of the district office sets an understanding of equity.

Complete and ongoing.  
Central office has been restructured to better align with our deepening understanding.


Understand the shift in roles and responsibilities for all employees in a proactive integrated comprehensive equitable system.

Not started yet.  
This is targeted for June with our DLT and BLTs.


Understand the equity research on ability grouping, tracking, de-tracking, heterogeneous classrooms, inclusion, integration across race, ability, language, and gifted education.

In progress.  
Out DLT and BLTs have begun this collective learning.  All staff will engage in this learning in the fall of 2022.


Understand how co-planning/co-serving can, thoughtfully, increase equity for all learners.

Not started yet.  
This is targeted for June with our DLT and BLTs.


Understand how to align staff by grade-level and content to create co-planning/co-serving teams.

Not started yet.  
This is targeted for June with our DLT and BLTs.


Understand research behind culturally/linguistically relevant instruction.

Not started yet.  
This is targeted for June with our DLT and BLTs.


Utilize culturally/linguistically relevant practices with creating Universally Designed learning environments.

In progress.  
Our CASS team is currently leading collective learning with our curriculum team about universally designing learning.


Provide ongoing and job-embedded professional learning to assist staff in using UDL as a framework for creating and implementing lessons/units with multiple forms of instruction, assessment, and relevant practices.

Not started yet


Incorporate social identity development for equity advocacy. Determine how information about social  identity development will be shared out and continually developed.

In progress.  
Our DLT, all BLTs, and currently 3 schools have engaged in collective learning about identify development.


Determine Equity Non-Negotiables, align them, to spending practices, and district and building policies.

In progress.  
Our DLT and principals have engaged in this collective learning.  Our BLTs will engage in this learning in June with a target for completion at the end of June/beginning of August.


Conduct a comprehensive Equity Audit to examine if students and staff are under or over-represented across the district in: academic opportunities, course enrollment, discipline,  staffing, attendance, etc.



Identify areas of focus by conducting a root cause analysis and impact webs from the comprehensive equity audit. 



Develop a plan based on the results of the equity audit to provide equitable opportunities for all students across school programs representation. 

In progress.  
We are continuing to engage in collective learning through the summer before developing specific actions for implementation.


Realign staff to support co-planning to design instruction to co-serve students.

Not started yet.  
We will begin collective learning with our DLT and BLTs on this in June.


Re-align District Office Structure based on Equity Non-Negotiables.
Complete and on-going.  
We have restructured central office aligned to equity practices.  We will continue to evaluate our central office effectiveness to determine if changes are needed.


Understand how pullout, segregated, and/or clustered programs perpetuate the cycle of marginalization.

Complete and on-going.  
All staff learned the history of marginalization in education, engaged in drawing the current educational model in their respective schools, and determined which programs and processes are proactive and reactive.  


Understand deficit and asset-based thinking and how it impacts decisions.

Complete and on-going.  
All staff engaged in learning about deficit vs. asset based thinking in the April PD day. 


Understand how to leverage the state educator evaluation systems to eliminate inequities.

Not started yet


Share out the Equity Non-Negotiables throughout all schools and community.

Not started yet



DLT will form work groups to implement action steps based on the NIRN implementation teams guidance documents.

Complete and on-going.  
We currently have teams addressing HC1, Equity as a whole, SS4-5, Teaching and Learning as a whole, TL5 and 14, and TL25 and 26.


The DLT will develop a BLT selection process incorporating the cultural and equity selection action steps to develop teams.

In progress.  
Targeted for completion in May


TBTs will be formed as grade-level or subject teams in alignment with the DLT guidance.

In progress.  
Will be revised after June collective learning with DLT and BLTs.


Develop an orientation process for members of the DLT to provide background knowledge on the Ohio Improvement Process, the district plan, and the role of the district leadership team.



Develop an orientation process for members of BLTs to provide background knowledge on the Ohio Improvement Process, the district plan, the role of the building leadership team, and the connections to the DLT and TBTs.

Not started yet.  
Targeted for completion in June


Develop an orientation process for members of the TBTs to provide background knowledge on the Ohio Improvement Process, the revised TBT process, practice opportunities as TBTs, and the connection to the BLT.

Not started yet.  
Targeted for completion in August


Explore and develop a coaching process for the DLT.

Not started yet.  


Develop a coaching process that incorporates feedback and support from DLT to BLTs, from BLTs to the DLT, from the BLTs to the TBTs, and from the TBTs to the BLTs.

Not started yet.  


Develop a resource warehouse for best practices for DLT, BLTs, and TBTs.

We adopted Mobile Mind as a learning platform to house our best practices and training resources.


Explore connecting TBT processes to professional learning days where TBTs can learn from and support each other.

Complete and on-going.  
Our scope and sequence development was this action step being implemented.


Conduct the “one needs” assessment (ODE) to determine strength and growth areas.



Study and learn the revised OIP process (2020) collectively as a leadership team:
  • Develop a common understanding around the Ohio Improvement Process (OIP) and how it relates to the people and processes within our district
  • Learn by looking at exemplars in other districts
  • Collaborate with SST2
  • Identify and include experts in the field in this process

In progress.  
Our DLT has engaged in collective learning.  Our BLTs still need to begin this learning - targeted for fall 2022.


Develop the revised process for DLT, BLT, and TBT, using Ohio Improvement Process (OIP) 2.0 documents and the National Implementation Research Network (NIRN) documents.

Not started yet.  
Targeted to begin in June with completion in winter/spring 2023.


BLTs will create a supportive collaborative environment based on the One Needs Assessment results and the norms of collaboration.

In progress.


Develop a rubric of expectations for the DLT, BLTs, and TBTs for each step of the Ohio Improvement Process to use in conjunction with coaching feedback and support, and use for monitoring the growth of DLT, BLT, and TBT implementation.

Not started yet.  
Targeted to begin in June with completion in winter/spring 2023.



Develop an orientation process for members of the MTSS to provide background knowledge on MTSS, the district plan, and the role of the MTSS team.

Not started yet.


Develop a common understanding of MTSS as: 
“A comprehensive continuum of evidence-based, systemic practices to support a rapid response to students’ needs, with regular observation to facilitate data-based instructional decision making."

In progress.  
The district PBIS team has begun this work through a PBIS Implementation Handbook with common language and implementation expectations for all schools.


Integrate practices of equity, UDL, and PBIS into the MTSS framework.

In progress.  
We are collectively learning about equity and PBIS.  We have just begun learning about UDL.


Develop a common understanding for Positive Behavior Intervention Supports.

Complete and on-going.  
The PBIS handbook will be complete in May after the data-system is completed.


Use the PBIS Tiered Fidelity Inventory to develop and refine PBIS practices.

Complete and on-going.  
All schools administered the TFI this fall and will again administer it this spring, with semi-annual administrations occuring each year going forward.


Use the One Needs Assessment to determine the structures in place for MTSS implementation.



Adopt an evidenced based MTSS framework with the intent of serving each student.

In progress.  
The PBIS model is almost complete.  The academic development has begun with scope and sequence development and collective learning about equity, unit design, and universal design for learning.


Develop an assessment framework to define data needed for both students and adults at the: 
  • Classroom level
  • Building level
  • District level 
  • This will include universal screening data, diagnostic data, and process implementation data.

Not started yet.


Develop a transition process for juniors, seniors, and recent graduates that identifies needs and provides supports that assist students in reaching post-secondary goals.

In progress



Identify criteria and policy for curriculum writing for all content courses.

Not started yet.


Review contractual language for curriculum development.



Create a training series that develops the purpose and process of developing curriculum maps, unit maps, and daily lesson maps.

In progress. 
Initial drafts of scope and sequences are not complete for all grades and courses K-12.  Our curriculum team is currently engaging in collective learning about unit plans and universally designing instruction.


Understand the format and components of all curriculum, assessments, and instructional pedagogy documents/resources.

In progress.  
Our curriculum team just began working on how to measure staff understading of curriculum, assessment, and pedagogical practices.


Create a training series that develops literacy practices (Reading, writing, speaking, listening) across all grade levels and disciplines that includes the science of reading.

In progress.  
Our reading team is 2/3s complete with Keys to Literacy training.  A training and coaching plan for all staff is targeted for completion in May and implementation will begin in June. 


Create a training series that develops standards based instructional practices that include content, literacy, and social emotional learning standards.

Not started yet.


Develop a philosophical approach that requires every content area to understand the importance of precise student objectives and standards that are reasonable in number to ensure time to master content.

Not started yet.


Create a training series that develops an understanding of the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) framework and culturally responsive practices for principals, teachers, and related services providers.

In progress.  
Our CASS team is currently leading collective learning with our curriculum team about universally designing learning.


Review prior curriculum work to determine a plan for integration to validate the time, effort, and work put in previously.



Develop a comprehensive management plan to direct the design, implementation, evaluation, and delivery of the curriculum.

In progress.  
Our first draft of scope and sequences are complete.


Conduct an audit of course offerings and curriculum maps for PreK-12.



Identify the roles and responsibilities of the board of education, central office staff members, and school based staff members in the design and delivery of curriculum.

Not started yet.


Use the One Needs Assessment to determine the curricular structures in place for implementation.



Create a process to annually review and revise the LCS Reading Achievement Plan (RAP) and implementation. Tie to Ohio’s Plan to Raise Achievement.

In progress.  
Our reading team is 2/3s complete with Keys to Literacy training.  A training and coaching plan for all staff is targeted for completion in May and implementation will begin in June.


Create a process to evaluate the quality of our curricular resources.

In progress.  
Our curriculum team just completed a resource selection, review, and implementation process, very closely aligned with Ohio Curriculum Support that will also allow for the evaluation of curricular resources.


Develop a PreK-12 curriculum team to support the development and implementation of LCS curriculum.



Ensure the taught and assessed curriculum is aligned to the district’s written curriculum.

Not started yet.


Analyze data from course offering audit to prioritize the writing of curriculum maps and unit plans.



Develop a feedback tool to review curriculum maps for continuous improvement.

In progress. 
Scope and sequence feedback tool is complete.  A unit plan feedback tool is targeted for work in June/August.


Develop a classroom visit protocol to learn about classroom instruction and support classroom instruction.

Not started yet.


Establish a communication plan for the process of curriculum design and delivery.

Not started yet.


Outline how Ohio state standards will be implemented in the curriculum using a frontloaded approach by which design begins with standards.

Our first draft of scope and sequences for K-12 is complete.


Describe the philosophical framework for the design of curriculum, the alignment of the written, taught, and tested curriculum, and the approaches used in delivering the curriculum.

This is the We Believe statement for the Teaching and Learning section of the district plan.


Emphasize the importance of understanding the difference between non-negotiable curriculum practices (objectives, priority standards, mission, etc.) and flexible curriculum practices (how we engage students, represent information, and provide options for students to show what they know and can do).

In progress.  
The curriculum team is currently defining this action step.  This is targeted for completion in June/August.


Determine the need for expanded arts programming Pk-12 by comparing what we offer against the needs of our students and learning about models for the arts from other schools.

We explored arts research, interviewed other school districts, and surveyed our families and students to determine needs.


Plan expanded arts course offerings, budgets, and staffing, scheduling, and training

In progress.  
Courses have been designed and schedule.  We are currently working on staffing and budgeting.


Implement expanded Pk-12 arts offerings in all schools

Not started yet.  
Targeted to being August 2022.
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