Gifted Programming

Gifted & Talented Education Information

The Lorain City School District is committed to providing a continuum of services that meet the unique academic and social needs of our gifted and talented population. Gifted and talented students often benefit from curriculum modifications, acceleration, and enrichment of content in the general education setting. Instruction is differentiated to provide all students appropriate pacing and support necessary for advanced-level learning. Students must qualify for gifted education services according to gifted identification guidelines set by the Ohio Department of Education. Gifted services are guided by Written Education Plans.

Gifted identified students in grades 1 through 8 may receive services through the Cluster Grouping gifted education model in the subject areas of reading and mathematics. Cluster grouping is when identified gifted students at a grade level are assigned to one classroom and differentiated instructional opportunities allow gifted students to interact with their intellectual peers, as well as their age peers.  The subject areas of reading and math are differentiated from the regular curriculum in terms of breadth, depth, and complexity. In addition, the gifted processes are intertwined with the instruction which enhances Ohio’s Learning Standards. 

High school gifted students are serviced through the College Credit Plus program. Students must be enrolled in a college level course that coincides with the student’s area of gifted identification and meet district and college criteria for placement. Students must meet district and college criteria for placement.


Some children need more than their current educational placement. Academic acceleration is when a school or district places a student in a higher grade level than is typical given the student's age for the purpose of providing the student access to appropriately challenging learning opportunities.

There are four types of acceleration

  • Whole Grade Acceleration: A student moves ahead an entire grade level. This is commonly referred to as "skipping a grade." Examples include: Example A second grade student advancing to the fourth grade the following school year. Currently, the only acceleration assessment process approved by ODE for evaluating candidates for whole grade acceleration in grades K-8 is the Iowa Acceleration Scale (IAS), Third Edition. 
  • Early Entrance to Kindergarten: Admitting a student who is not age-eligible to attend kindergarten a year early to school. 
  • Subject Acceleration: A student moves ahead a grade level in one or more subject areas but retains his or her overall grade level. Example: A seventh grade student advancing to ninth grade reading.
  • Early Graduation: This type of acceleration occurs when a student meets the requirements for graduation in less than four academic years and graduates high school early in order to pursue post-secondary education. 

For more information on the acceleration process please contact Michelle Barbosa, Gifted Supervisor. 


REFERRAL: Students can be referred for assessment by parent/guardian(s), teachers, or peers. Referral forms are available on the district website or from the district Gifted Supervisor.     
SCREENING: Students are screened each school year in grades 2 & 5 for gifted identification in the areas of Reading and Mathematics, Superior Cognitive Ability, and Creative thinking Ability using a state approved testing instrument. 
ASSESSMENT: Following screening, small group and/or individual assessments are provided for potentially gifted students by qualified personnel. 
ASSURANCES: The district meets the ODE requirements for evaluation of students who are culturally diverse, economically disadvantaged, children with physical and sensory disabilities and those who have limited English proficiency. The district identifies using only state approved tests which are administered by trained personnel. 
WRITTEN EDUCATION PLANS: Education plans are written on a one- year basis for all students who are identified and served. 
OUTSIDE TESTING: The district will accept outside testing for gifted identification if the assessment is on the state approved list, and was conducted in the previous twenty-four months. 
TRANSFERS: The district will review testing from previous schools to determine whether students qualify for services. 
ACCELERATION: The district has adopted the state model acceleration policy. 
APPEAL: The district has an appeal process for decisions regarding screening and identification. The initial step in the process is to submit a written statement to the district Gifted Supervisor or building principal explaining your reason for the appeal of identification. 
WAIVER: The district has a waiver of assignments procedure in place. 
WITHDRAWAL: Withdrawal or refusal from gifted programs or services may be initiated at the request of parent/guardian(s) or a school staff member staff if the services are not appropriate and beneficial for the identified student. Contact the district Gifted Supervisor or the building principal for an initial conference. 


In grades 1 through 8 the subject areas of reading and/or mathematics are differentiated from the regular curriculum in terms of breadth, depth, and complexity. The Gifted Intervention Specialist and/or Gifted Supervisor work with the classroom teacher to implement gifted strategies. Services are guided by Written Education Plans.                    
  • Reading and/or Math Cluster 
  • Criteria: 95% in the Specific Academic areas of reading and/or mathematics and/or a qualifying score in the areas of Creative Thinking Ability and/or Superior Cognitive Ability                    
Services are in the form of a single subject clustered classroom in the areas of Reading or Mathematics. Students receive high-level instruction that is differentiated to meet their ability and extends beyond the grade-level standards. Gifted Intervention Specialists work directly with gifted students at Helen Steiner Rice, Larkmoor, and Toni Morrison Elementary schools. Students at all other elementary buildings receive services through differentiated instruction in the classroom. 

  • Reading and/or Math Cluster 
  • Criteria: 95% in the Specific Academic areas of reading and/or mathematics and/or a qualifying score in the areas of Creative Thinking Ability and/or Superior Cognitive Ability 
Services are in the form of a single subject clustered classroom with the focus on Reading or Mathematics. Students receive high-level instruction that is differentiated to meet their abilities and extends beyond the grade-level standards A Gifted Intervention Specialists is assigned to each middle school to work with gifted students and classroom teachers. 

  • College Credit Plus (CCP) programs 
  • Criteria: 95% in the Specific Academic areas of reading, mathematics, science, social studies or a qualifying score in the areas of Creative Thinking Ability, Visual & Performing Arts, and/or Superior Cognitive Ability                  
Students must be enrolled in a college level course that coincides with the student’s area of gifted identification and meet district and college criteria for placement.             


Lorain City Schools gifted identification plan identifies students in the areas of superior cognitive ability, specific academic ability, creative thinking ability, and visual and/or performing arts ability.            
The identification process consists of three phases: pre-assessment, assessment for screening, and assessment for identification. Parents are notified of testing results within 30 days after all testing is complete. 
Specific criteria for identification are used for each area. Teachers or parent/guardian(s) may refer children for identification by completing and submitting a referral form which is available on the district website or by contacting the district Gifted Supervisor or the building principal.  


The program mission is to meet the needs of the diverse population in the school district. Lorain City Schools offers equal access to services for identified students. Gifted service is delivered in a co-teaching environment with both a certified grade level teacher and a Gifted Intervention Specialist or by a general education teacher with the support of a Gifted Intervention Specialist or Gifted Supervisor. General education teachers receive on-going professional development and specialized training related to gifted education. Student learning is guided by written education plans which are shared with parent /guardian(s) by mail, email, or through parent conferences. 


Students who receive services will annually have a Written Education Plan (WEP) designed by the Gifted Intervention Specialist and/or Gifted Supervisor in cooperation with the general education teacher, outlining the following: 

  • Appropriate services needed Goals for learning
  • Methods of evaluating progress Educators delivering the services
  • Guidelines for re-scheduling of tests and assignments/homework waivers 
  • Deadline for next WEP 
A copy of the WEP will be provided to teachers and parent/guardian(s) annually and when modified. 


Gifted Supervisor 
(440) 830-4042  

Southview Middle School
2321 Fairless Avenue
Lorain, OH 44055
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